Whistleblowing Software for companies
Whistleblowing Software for companies
A secure and encrypted notification channel that meets the requirements of the Working Environment Act
Anonymous notification with two-way communication
Not anonymous notification if desired
Unlimited number of languages
Uploading file attachments and documentation as needed
Trustcom came in 2nd place in the Norwegian the Data Inspectorate's
competition on built-in privacy in 2020
End-to-end encrypted
User clicks on link to form
Form with SSL are downloaded to the user`s machine
User fills in and sends form
Data is encrypted locally by the user
Data is sent encrypted to Trustcom's data center
Data is stored encrypted on Trustcom`s server
PwC decrypts and can read the data provided
All data processing and storage takes place in Norway at an ISO-certified data center ISO 14001, 18001 and 27001.
Privacy by default
Encryption takes place as early as possible, on the user's own device
The encrypted message is sent via SSL, provided by Norwegian BuyPass
Forms have the strictest privacy by default
For extra security, the user can turn off their own history in the dialog
All alerts are encrypted with their own key, and the messages in the alert also receive unique encryption keys
We use AES-GCM for encryption and a 2048-bit RSA key pair for encrypting the AES key data
For all users
The solution supports universal design and is based on the EU's Web Accessibility Directive
The solution has built-in privacy in accordance with the Data Inspectorate's guide for built-in privacy
Dedicated partner
Trustcom delivers the technical solution to PwC's Investigation and Compliance
Contact Trustcom
Contact us to set up a safe and easy notification channel for your company